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- Well, obviously we've come pretty far, but of course there just MAY be a
- few things left up in the air. Like, for instance, we haven't used Ram yet!
- *
- Let's stop for a minute and make ourselves a checklist just to see
- where we are in our personal little computer evolution:
- - First we gawked at the screen and wondered if we'd ever figure out ANY
- of this shit! If you didn't then you're not a True Beginner and you
- can't join the club.
- - We settled down, read (?) the manual (??), and started double-clicking
- everything in sight.
- - We got better at moving files around with the mouse, and at one point
- swore we'd never touch the keyboard again unless we had to.
- - We finally got the modem and Online!, brought it home, set it up, opened
- up the manual and were crushed when we realized it was full of that CLI
- garbage!
- - We close the Online! manual and pull out the DOS books we'd been
- avoiding. Once we get the gist with the pathnames and such we actually
- start getting a little excited about using "authentic computer
- language", as referred to "icon-shuffling". We open the Online! manual
- back up and breath a sigh of relief..we can read it!
- - We make our first call to a BBS, thus taking our first tiny, faltering
- step into the New Age.
- - We download just oodles of files. We save them faithfully on our neat,
- organized archive disks just like that nice Mr. BenchMaster said to do.
- - We become proficient at setting up and using our CustomBenches; we've
- incorporated the basic gang, Mackie, Xicon, Conman, Select, PrefCh and
- FaccII into the Amiga scheme of things.
- - We finally recaptured the talisman in FaeryTale, FINALLY kicked the bad-
- ass Black Knight off his throne in Dark Castle (and WHAT was our reward?)
- bought some snazy software like Dpaint, faithfully read the manual and
- did every tutorial and let's face it: We're feelin' pretty good
- about the whole thing, aren't we?
- *
- I certainly was. Especially about that megabyte of Ram, wow, sure was
- nice havin' that big ol' megger of Ram around. Yep, just about the only
- thing I didn't know was what I was supposed to do with it!
- *
- I quickly found out.
- *
- Df1 died.
- *
- It was a lovely service. We all said a few words, and I put an old copy
- of Silent Service in its slot just before they closed the tiny casket.
- *
- The guy at the shop said the heads had come un-aligned and it was history.
- One drive?? Yuck! Requester City!! The answer is to load up Ram with a
- bunch of the stuff you normally need off the Bench and then "CD Ram:".
- Everything in the l directory, the libs directory and about half of
- the c directory should just about do it, together with any special-
- purpose tools you might need. If you've got the meg then you've got
- plenty of room to spare, so put this in your st-seq. Or better yet, in one
- of your Select files in the s dir (called RamBench?):
- MakeDir Ram:c ;makes a "c" directory in Ram.
- MakeDir Ram:l ;makes l dir in Ram
- MakeDir Ram:libs ;makes libs dir in Ram
- Copy c/Assign Ram:c
- Copy c/CD Ram:c
- Copy c/Copy Ram:c
- Copy c/Delete Ram:c
- Copy c/Dir Ram:c
- Copy c/e Ram:c
- Copy c/Echo Ram:c
- Copy c/Ed Ram:c
- Copy c/Else Ram:c
- Copy c/EndIf Ram:c
- Copy c/Execute Ram:c
- Copy c/f Ram:c
- Copy c/If Ram:c
- Copy c/MakeDir Ram:c
- Copy c/Path Ram:c
- Copy c/Run Ram:c
- Copy c/Type Ram:c
- Copy df0:l Ram:l all quiet ;copies l dir to Ram:l
- Copy df0:libs Ram:libs all quiet ;copies libs dir to Ram:libs
- Copy Utilities/DU-VI Ram: ;Copy your DU and any other special
- tools you might need. Copy the .info
- files too if you want the icons.
- Assign c: Ram:c
- Assign l: Ram:l
- Assign libs: Ram:libs
- Path Ram:c Ram:l Ram:libs
- You should defintely have AddBuffers or FaccII running at the beginning of
- your st-seq so that when a command, like Copy, is repeated, the computer
- doesn't have to access the disk again and again for it, it'll read it out of
- memory.
- The Workbench directories will still be in the path, remember, but only
- available when the Workbench disk is in the drive.
- You'll run into snags here and there when you've got things Assigned to
- directories on other devices, but hey, that's just part of what keeps it
- all so dang interesting. That's why I moved the l and libs dirs over
- to Ram also, to help keep the snags at a minimum. You also might want to
- put the s dir in Ram but I've leaving it out for this tutorial. We're
- writing files to s and as soon as it's Assigned to Ram that means we're
- writing files to Ram, which means adios when the Amiga's turned off.
- This still isn't quite good enough, though. Remember, we're without df1
- here. Having all those juicy commands and libs and stuff in Ram is nice,
- but we need to BE somewhere, i.e. a CLI window, to use it. We can't just
- type "CD Ram:" somewhere in the startup sequence because it just doesn't
- work that way. Do this:
- - put all the above garbage into your st-seq and save.
- - type "Ed s/cddf0". In the new file, type "CD df0:" and save.
- - type "Ed s/cdram". In the new file, type "CD Ram:" and save.
- - type "f g", or "Ed s/startup-sequence". Right before the EndCLI type
- NewCLI from s/cdram con:0/336/318/064/CD-RAM
- NewCLI from s/cddf0 con:321/336/318/064/CD-DF0
- If you're using non-Interlace mode, use: 0/155/319/045/CD-RAM
- 322/155/318/045/CD-DF0
- Re-boot this puppy and see what happens. Hopefully everything will go
- as planned. You'll see less memory available at the top of the screen as Ram
- has now got a bellyfull of goodies If you type "CD" in the left CLI window
- you should get a "Ram:" back and in the right window the name of the disk
- currently in df0. Fun, huh? Now you need a small scriptfile in s in case
- you need to get the memory back to run some big graphics thing or whatever.
- Type "Ed s/dr" (for Delete Ram). In the Ed box type
- Assign c: df0:c
- Assign l: df0:l
- Assign libs: df0:libs
- Delete Ram:#? all quiet
- Echo "That's it, Boss!"
- That last line, of course, MUST be in the scriptfile just as it is. Save the
- rascal and the next time you need the memory back, type "f dr" and there it
- is. You can also have a script file to reload all that stuff back in, of
- course. If you can handle Ed yet, just take that whole block of Copies and
- Assigns in the St-seq and WriteBlock that sucker to the s directory. Call
- it "lr" for Load Ram.
- Next, presuming you have FaccII running, you'll want a scriptfile to give
- you back both the Ram and what FaccII's hogging. Use the same file as above,
- add "Fac -q" and call it as "m", for Memory.
- Devs would be next if you have the space. If you never screw around
- with graphics stuff, especially hi-res pics and animations, you'll
- ALWAYS have plenty of room in Ram.
- If you ARE into graphics, then at times you may be scratching for every
- byte possible and wondering why they can't have a simple UN-LoadWB command.
- I'll discuss memory recoverage next.
- *
- If you've done all the above, then congratulations: you are now CD-Ram,
- another evolutionary step along the way.
- AND you saved the price of a new disk drive!
- *
- Memory recovery:
- The absolute most memory you can get is to rename or delete the st-seq
- and re-boot. At that point you're seeing what the computer sees as it tries
- to find "startup-sequence" in the s dir. If you want to run your st-seq
- step-by-step, this is the way to do it. Just type in each line of the
- st-seq one by one. If there's a snag you haven't been able to unravel,
- you'll find it now.
- To find out how much memory you're using, and have free, type Info. You
- can go through your st-seq step-by-step and Info after every entry and
- actually chart how much memory each command is using, if any. It's also fun
- to Runback PM (off Extras) and Sysmon (off FaccII) at the start of the
- st-seq.
- You don't need to rename or delete the st-seq to be here in this bare-
- bones environment; you can make this one of your Select files, this one
- reading "NewCLI" and that's all. You'll be in a proper DOS window with a
- LITTLE more memory being used than the first way.
- Your file "mm" (for MaxMem) would read something like this:
- Echo "Please remove disk from df1" ;gives you back a few more bytes
- Echo "Close all windows" ;lotsa graphic bytes in windows
- Echo "Mackie -q?"
- Echo "Path reset?"
- Assign c: df0:c
- Assign l: df0:l
- Assign libs: df0:libs
- Delete Ram:#? all quiet
- Fac -q ;turns off FaccII
- Blitzfonts -r ;turns off Blitzfonts
- run c/Flusher ;off a BBS, gives you a couple of
- bytes back sometimes.
- Break 1 ;doesn't hurt anything, might help
- Break 2
- Break 3
- Break 4
- Break 5
- Break 6
- Break 7
- Break 8
- Lace ;non-Interlace uses fewer bytes
- A couple of mentions: We have (in theory, anyway) that "m" file for the
- deleting Ram and quitting FaccII, so we could "f s/m" in place of those five
- lines, but it's better just to write it out..not only for the computer's
- sake but for glancing back over it in the future.
- You might have noticed we didn't quit Mackie. This is because Mackie
- won't restart from a script file, it has to be entered "live", so I just ask
- at the top if I want it quit. If the situation's that desparate I won't
- mind a little typing at that point.
- We also don't want to reset the paths unless we really have to. I
- probably shouldn't even have told you about it but you would have dug it up
- somewhere and ended up going through a whole string of silly problems. It's
- an absolutely last-ditch effort, right after taking the disk out of df1 and
- having to listen to that terrible clicking. I mean, you get something like
- 800 bytes back or something.
- Speaking of removing df1's disk, a program might actually need the extra
- bytes you get back, but once the program's loaded you can re-insert the
- disk. DPaint in hi-res is a good example.
- The drive just sitting there diskless also uses up memory, which is one of
- the reasons you never quite get near that 1,000,000 mark. One game,
- Destroyer, actually needs you to disconnect the drive to play it on a 512
- machine. Rude, huh?
- Probably the most need you'll have for big memory is the hi-res pic. You
- have to remember that when it comes to graphics you don't get that whole meg
- of Ram, and what you do have gets used up quickly. You definitely want
- every window closed. And you have more memory available if you run DPaint
- straight from a tool icon rather than from a script file. If you normally
- like running DPaint from a file, you can always have two icons, the tool one
- named something like "MaxPaint.info" and the project/Xicon one named
- "DPaint.info". You'd rename the actual program "MaxPaint" so the tool icon
- would run it, then use the name "MaxPaint" in the Xicon file.
- *
- I haven't mentioned printers, by the way, because there's really not a
- heck of a lot to say about them. If you're into graphics printing then
- you'll be getting a graphics printer, best you can afford. I find the
- printed version of a good pic disappinting so I said to heck with it 'til
- I get a color laser-jet printer. I like the 25% cotton bond paper although
- it's a little expensive unless you buy it in the 500 box. The Memorex
- #3202-0130 is the cream of the crop, great stuff if you're into paper.
- If you want to copy every file name on the Workbench to the printer, type
- "Dir > par opt a". If you want all of df1's filenames copied to the printer
- type "dir > par df1: opt a". I've found better results using "par" (for
- parallel port) instead of "prt", which the books seem to like.
- *
- I told you before that if you bought Dark Castle I'd tell you where the
- Secret Passageway is...and this will be the FIRST time the BenchMaster has
- let one of the Great Secrets be told...but told it shall be, as reward for
- your excellent accomplishment of doing this whole damn tutorial. Ready?
- Boot up the game, Beginner level. Enter door #3. Scoot up the ropes to
- that top-left platform. See the EDGE of the ledge up to your right? Ah ha!
- Jump up to it and you end up on the rope, probably being bitten by a rat.
- The trick is to get as close, and I mean as Close, to the wall as possible,
- turn around and THEN jump up to the ledge. Wow! You might, of course, want
- a little Shield or Fireball here as I believe we're expecting a visit from
- an old friend just about now...
- The reason we're in Beginner mode is because, as you MAY know, when you
- get to the higher levels you bonk your head when you walk into a wall.
- You can do it in all three levels, it's just much easier at Beginner. It's
- a very light finger action, obviously, that's needed, but you'll get it.
- I've found that if I jump up on the rope, climb to the top then jump back
- off, the spot that it leaves me in gives me the best chance to scoot right
- up to the wall and stop. There are two okay spots; with his face dead flush
- against the wall and one pixel over to the right. A game glitch? Hey, who
- knows, right? I've found lots of "strange" things in the better games and
- don't have any idea if they're glitches or not. Go back and forth between
- Shield 3 and 4 and it keeps giving you points/lives. BUT only if you kill
- all the bats in #4 first! (you only have to do it once). It doesn't do
- that between any other screens, far as I know.
- In Barbarian, it's the same kind of thing. That first screen with the
- toothy rock? Run to the left and you can Jump up onto the wall, bypassing
- the scimitar guy; only wall you can do that with. Isn't the winning picture
- at the end just fabulous? God Knows how many pictures I've got around and
- one of the best is on a disk you have to go through THAT to see!
- What's that? You haven't seen it yet? Oh...sorry!
- *
- Odds 'n Ends:
- - The reason I like ProWrite is because you can actually take IFF pics and
- load them onto a page. A feature that few, if any, of the competition can
- offer. It also just works damn well, except for it not saving in text
- correctly. I have to admit I've never called their technical support group;
- you never can tell, there might be an answer.
- - If a disk doesn't copy with MarauderII in the standard mode make sure to
- try some of the other options. FaeryTale and Firepower both need Verbatim
- mode, and Barbarian needs Verbatim and Index. It removed the purchase
- guarantee from Silent Service and Deluxe PaintII.
- - When you Delete a file it doesn't really delete the material, it just
- erases it's file allocation markers. That's why DiskDoctor or a BBS
- prog called UnDelete work; try it and see. You can actually erase
- everything on a disk, make a regular copy of it with MarauderII and STILL
- DiskDoctor the files off the copies disk! They're only gone for good if
- you write over them or format the disk. That's why a formatted disk writes
- so smooth and a completely deleted disk scratches all over the place.
- - I looked over a couple of fonts to use with NewFont, agreeing that a
- computer font shouldn't have all those little serifs that the Topaz
- font does; those unnecessary "cute" parts of the letters. The trouble
- is that the Alternate keys weren't the same and everybody, especially the
- printer, got very mixed up. What I did was just haul out Fed off the
- Basic/Extras disk and slice up the default font. A good computer
- lesson: First I try the topaz 11, the only topaz in the fonts/topaz
- directory, but it's too big for the DU boxes (everything uses the new
- font, not just the CLI), so I'm going through the disks trying to dig
- up a smaller topaz, having the feeling that somewhere I'd seen one, but
- to no avail. But surprise of surprises, if you make Fed the first thing
- you use after booting up, it has both topaz 8 and topaz 9 listed. Use
- the computer a bit, pop open Fed and the topaz 8 & 9 are gone! Yes, just
- another one of Amazing Computer Things that keeps it all so interesting.
- So I first used the 9, then the 8 and the 8 works perfectly. I'm
- including it with this tutorial just to save you some hassle.
- - If some new program you're trying pops up a requester saying something
- like "Can't find Babble font..", load up a font (pick one) in the Fed and
- Save it as "Babble". You can't just rename the .font file, you have to
- have Fed make one for you as you Save the font.
- - Actually, I have seen one other program that mentioned NoFastMem, the
- original version of Snapshot (22,288). If you run it without NoFastMem
- first is comes back with a "Stack Overflow" requester and then it's off to
- Guruland. The new version has fixed this; I mentioned it in case you run
- into something like it in the future.
- - If you want to use a different icon for Ram, do this: Take your cool
- disk icon (change it to a disk type with IconLab if you have to) and copy it
- to a disk on df1, named "disk.info". Pop out the disk then re-insert it.
- You should see the Ram icon. Open the window, get it configured just where
- you want it and Snapshot the sucker. Copy it to some personal dirctory such
- as MyFiles and name it "Ramicon.info". In your st-seq, BEFORE "LoadWb", put
- in the command "Copy Myfiles/Ramicon.info Ram:disk.info". That copies it to
- Ram and renames it disk.info. After the LoadWb, "Delete Ram:disk.info".
- After the LoadWB command the icon is set, so that' why you can then delete
- it, just to keep things tidy.
- *
- - Other BBS programs I like:
- ShoWiz - displays pics in fun ways
- Slideshow - ditto
- LMV - poor man's animation program, but fun
- ShowAnim - the next step after LMV
- Friends - cute hack
- Suck - ditto
- Target - ditto
- VacBench - ditto
- BenchQuake - a classic, right up there with Melt
- RainBench - ditto
- Dissolve - nice pic displayer
- Sand - I don't know why I like this little fella so much
- Startle - Honorable Mention for hack of the year
- Trails - your pointer's broken!
- WaveBench - another good hack
- Icefont - definitely font of the year, for paint & processor
- AreaCode - gives you location of area code
- Keylock - locks up your keyboard and mouse until you type in your secret
- word. I (just for fun) protect my nude pics with it
- FM - File allocation map, shows where the bytes are on the disk. No real
- practical use for us but fun to pretend
- IFF2PCS - Makes a puzzle out of your IFF pics..certainly different.
- Tetrix - I mentioned this before. Extremely addictive
- JamesGames - Three simple games but very well done
- EVO - a graphics program of how the skull has evolved over the ages
- Earth - shows Earth orbiting on any axis, x, y and z
- *
- The next-to-last stage of the journey is "CD dh0:", or CD'ing from your
- hard drive. Yes, you want 30 megs if you can affort it; you'll find out
- quick hard drives aren't cheap for the Amiga, just 'cause there aren't
- many people making them.
- In a sense, there's not a lot that can be said about them. They're just
- another device, like Ram or the disk drives. You CD from dh0 so there's no
- noisy disk access, which is certainly nice. Faster too, as you might
- imagine. There's no doubt they're great..just not as "necessary" as most
- hard drive owners would have you believe. Remember, we're just talking
- storage here, not memory. Memory is what you need for the big graphics,
- storage is just that, storage.
- *
- In another sense, of course, they're fabulous.
- *
- The only thing I want to say about them is forget all that "partitioning"
- business you'll hear about. Just call it dh0 and be done with it. What you
- loose in speed is more than made up for by the ease, convenience and fun of
- just having it be one of the gang.
- *
- And the final stage of our evolution would then be to go back to
- "CD Ram:", this time with an additional device on tap.
- Some two hundred thousand bytes of commands immediately accessible out of
- Ram, thirty million bytes of storage, a million bytes of memory, modem,
- printer, receiver, plexitable, bench...
- THAT, my friend, is a computer. Use it.
- *
- And that does it. Whew! Quite the little journey, from that first night
- when you sat and stared at the screen and wondered just what the hell WAS
- going on! Well, now you've got a better idea.
- Glad to be a part of it.
- ** The BenchMaster **